Vendors in the Vines Attendee Form Name * First Name Last Name Email * What is your business name? * Maker Statement * Please write a 2 to 3 sentence concise yet descriptive statement of what you will be bringing to Vendors in the Vines. This will be used for social media. Phone Number: * Sales Tax ID#/Seller's Permit ID # (if you don't have one it is required to obtain one prior to the event) Facebook business page URL (example: Instagram business page handle (example: @riverbendwinery) Website URL (example: Booth Space * Outdoor Booth Space - Bring Your Own Tent (10'x10' space). Stakes and sandbags are required as it can get windy on our vineyard lawn. Indoor booth space may be available upon request. Email to request. I read the above booth space statement. Do you need access to electrical outlets in your booth? * A limited number of electrical spaces are available and will be first come first serve. You must supply your own extension cords. Yes No Thank you! We look forward to having you at Vendors in the Vines.